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Phambili Services is committed to sustainable social and economic development and the conservation of natural resources. We subscribe to the principle of integrated waste management which promotes waste reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery principles amongst many other initiatives. Diverting waste away from landfill sites has been key objective of Pikitup and the City Of Joburg and has been made simple through the Separation @ Source Programme which was rolled out in October 2017.
Phambili Services established a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in the Clayville/Midrand. The Material Recovery Facility (MRF) is modelled around the Separation at Source principle where residents and businesses are encouraged to recycle waste generated from their houses, apartments, estates, complexes and office parks. These Recyclables are collected from these service points and taken to our MRF to be sorted and bailed into the appropriate commodity as part of the recycling model.

Recycling Education and Awareness
Phambili Services places emphasis on promoting recycling of waste in schools through the creation of an enabling environment, using the Separation@source model, as well as educating and assisting the children to also facilitate recycling. Education and awareness is the most important part in ensuring the success of a school recycling programme.
Through recycling education Phambili Services ensures that all learners, teachers and other staff members know about the project, why they are doing it and how to play their roles. Phambili Services actively gets involved in community services such as local clean ups in order to promote the ethical disposal of waste as well as educate residents about the benefits of recycling.